December 30, 2013
Good Morning Cynthia!
It’s good to hear from you. I keep meaning to send an email your way….been too busy with work and the holidays!
Oh my gosh, what beautiful incredible Shepherds
Brego/Cinder will make Cynthia! Brego is
a stunning beast and well, Cinder is gorgeous!
Their pups will be bigger and sooooo beautiful.
Oh, Maddie is sooooo wonderful Cynthia. I have NEVER loved a dog so much – really!
She is the smartest – most beautiful girl and I’m so proud of her.
. Maddie is an EXCELLENT protector for me! Everyone in my neighborhood thinks she’s a police dog, now the rumor is Gary is a policeman and both dogs are police dogs!!
Maddie just has a brightness about her face, VERY bright and intelligent. She has charisma….there’s just something about Maddie!
Maddie knows words when I say them such as hungry, Grandma, foxy, Santa etc. Not to mention sit, down, speak etc. She has also begun to talk to me!
She gets up on my lap and starts groaning, and when I respond back in similar tones she reeeeally gets into it! What looks I get and what a beautiful happy face she has Cynthia…..can you tell I Love Maddie?
Thank you so much for our Maddie. She is my constant companion and such a great girl!
When I get home, I’ll send some pictures for you!
Happy New Year, Robin
December 22, 2013
Hi Cynthia,
Here are the puppies playing in the snow a couple of weeks ago. Sure are pretty, aren’t they? But, I’m not biased.
They both Loved the snow!!
December 17, 2013
Hi Cynthia,
Attached is a photo that I took this morning. Her right ear is doing a lot better. It still droops at times but it’s trying to be more consistent.
The lighting isn’t great for the photo but at least it shows her ears.
Reva had a GREAT time in Glamis! Several of our friends spent a lot of time with her; taking her for walks, etc. She had no problem with people taking her leash and walking her away from us. Our vet joined us later in the week and was impressed by how social she is with people and other dogs.
Jazz X Esko daughter 2013
December 15, 2013
Rowdy and I made a whirlwind trip to Marshall, TX, to show in the UKC Super Show. We were only able to show n Sunday, due to work, but it was worth the trip. There were 2 trials on Sunday, and we competed in Open, Rally, and Conformation in each trial. We took first in open in each trial, first in rally in the first trial and second in the second trial (score of 100, but beat on time). And Group 1 in the first trial and Reserve Best in Show in trial 2. A good ending to the 2013 show season. Now looking forward to 2014.
Beauty X Dryker son 2010
October 12, 2013
Thought you might like an updated pic. Beautiful pup!
Jazz X Esko daughter May 2013
September 23, 2013
Jazz X Esko son May 2013 litter
September 20, 2013 –
Have been meaning to send this picture of Levi. I took it right before his birthday. He is really coming in to his own. Can’t wait to see what he will look like by age 2. He is very handsome and receives lots of compliments on his appearance and manners when we go to the farmers market or walking on the trails. He is a mellow guy most of the time and is fine laying on his dog bed with a toy while I am busy on the computer but he is always ready to go play ball or for a walk.
Cinder X Esko son 2012
August 30, 2013
Hi Cynthia,
We had a storm last night that didn’t upset Reva at all. Heavy rain, lightening, thunder and severe wind didn’t get a reaction out of her.
In fact we had to take her inside because she wanted to be out in it.
She’s a very confident puppy! Must be that Oklahoma upbringing. 🙂
A puddle forms by the walkway around our pool when we get a lot of rain in a short period of time. That happened last night. After the rain calmed to a sprinkle and the lightening was no longer a threat, Reva discovered the puddle and had a lot of fun playing in it and laying in it. Unfortunately it was dark and I couldn’t capture it on video.
Needless to say, she is full of life and doing great!
This morning I watched the new videos of Olivia and Oasis. They are beautiful! I wish we could give them both forever homes!
August 27, 2013
Hi Cynthia!
Wanted to wish the whole “M” litter a Happy Birthday!
Maddie is having a fun birthday, it’s hard to believe she’s already a year old….time sure flies!
Wanted to send some fun B-day pics of Maddie, what a girl she is!
So in love with my Maddie.
Hope all is well, Robin
Cinder X Esko daughter from Aug. 2012
August 27, 2013
Hi Cynthia!
Reva has truly settled in here. She’s eating well, playing well and still sleeping through the night. Most mornings I get her out of the cage before she makes any noise about getting out.
I told you about how quickly she learned to carry the paper. Well, her new routine is to run up the driveway with the paper in her mouth. She makes it all the way up to the door before dropping it. The only problem is that we run with her and it’s an uphill driveway, and it’s about 300 feet long. 🙂
We just got back from the hospital where we took her for today’s new experience. We decided it was a place where other dogs don’t frequent. Our vet wants us to keep her away from places where people take their dogs until we finish her puppy shots, or at least until she has one more set.
Mike walked her around the sidewalks in front of the hospital while I sat on a bench in the shade. She met the man who drives the van that takes people to and from the hospital. He has a loud voice and is a large man, but she was fine with him. She encountered several people but only “met” one.
We hope all is well in OK!
Jazz X Esko daughter May 2013
August 12, 2013
Willow did great. Actually better than I expected. She was enthusiastic and very responsive to the patient, who is rehabilitating from a severe stroke. She actively engaged the patient with direct eye contact. She spoke on verbal command, and was very gentle when accepting treats. While I was working with the patient, an elderly man, she entertained herself by pulling every toy out of the bag and playing with them by herself one by one. She was so funny that it kept the patient’s mind off the exercises. With stroke & brain trauma patients, I have found that big breakthroughs in motion can occur when the reflexive brain is engaged. Getting the patient’s mind off of focusing on his paralysis allowed him to move his arm more than ever before. I asked him if he knew he could do that. With a big smile, he said no. Now he knows it is possible and will work even harder to regain movement. Credit to Willow. As we walked up and down the hallways, I encouraged Willow to greet other patients. She is not immediately outgoing and friendly, having to give someone a good sniff before allowing them to pet her. Then she is very sweet & friendly. I think we can chalk this up to just needing more experience. She showed great curiosity with walkers and wheelchairs, but no fear. Perfect response.
Willow will present a lot more training challenges than Zephyr did, but, with time and experience, I think her strong points may make her an outstanding rehabilitation therapist. I have to remind myself that she is not even a year old yet. (the youngest dog ever to be allowed to be fully certified by HALO)
Her next challenge will arrive on Thursday, when she will make her first visit to Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Hospital. That is if I can get her security badge completed and paperwork turned in by then. I have a lot of additional training to do with her between now and then. Fun! She learns new things really quick and always makes me laugh in the process!
Cinder X Esko daughter 2012
August 10, 2013
We went out for lunch, then loaded Cosmo up and headed up to the land to spend a few hours on the ATV’s. So much fun! Cosmo was so awesome! He was perfectly content riding on the back of Jim’s ATV while we zipped around checking things out. We feel so lucky to have found him, and he’s best German Shepherd we’ve ever had. Of course he’s had a different upbringing than those that came before him, as Cosmo was added to our family strictly in the companion sense, whereas the others were expected to work the farm, as well as be companions.
Beauty X Esko son Feb. 2013
August 10, 2013
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve checked in.
Bill is happy and well. We’ve been living in a nice home in Oklahoma City with a big fenced back yard that has become Bill’s domain. I even got him one of those “dogloos” to help protect him from the heat (I think he prefers the cold), but, of course, he’s almost always indoors at home or at work with me when it’s really hot.
We have dogs in every yard next to us, which has been interesting. Bill has never been a big barker and I stayed on him as a puppy that not every passing dog deserves a bark. So he basically stands at the fence trying to stare at the neighbor dogs while they go nuts and Bill just stares. It probably annoys my neighbors to no end, but I find it quite amusing and it seems Bill does too.
One thing I want to mention, especially after moving all over and encountering all sorts of different living situations and people, is that this dog is as durable and loyal as they come. I always take great care of him, but he’s had a lot of changes in his life I never anticipated when I got him. But he’s taken everything like a true trooper. I’m happy I’ve settled down here for the foreseeable future so he can have a little more stability.
It’s also amazing how easily he learns things. I knew he’s be smart, but I had no idea how intuitive he would be. Just the other day I noticed that he’d sit when I look at him and then look down. And if I’d look all the way down, he’d lay down. I’ve always used hand signals in addition to a verbal command, but he also apparently picked up on my eye and head movement.
And now that he’s a little older, I’ve noticed that pretty much all of his bad habits (he fortunately doesn’t have many) are directly caused by me. For example, he likes to take his food out of the bowl, drop it on the floor next to the bowl and then eat it. Of course, I once taught him to eat the food on the floor after a spill before eating out of the bowl. It’s a strange thing to see, but I have no one to blame but myself. And he seems to get along fine.
Anyway, that’s a very long way of saying I’m still incredibly happy with my buddy Bill and he’s doing great.
I hope all is well with you and yours, Cynthia.
Bill’s owner’s name is Jake, so of course the dog had to have another name. 🙂
Cinder X Creed Son 2011
August 10, 2013
She is great. Yesterday was the first day without a mistake in the house. Her first puppy training session was Wednesday. She sits and heels pretty good. “Come” needs work. Her name now is Dixie Rose.
Dixie at the ranch last weekend. She loved running around.
Jazz X Esko daughter May, 2013
August 9, 2013
Hi Cynthia!
Just a quick FYI. Willow will make her first therapy visit today. She has been training in my stroke rehabilitation therapy and will put it into action today. I will let you know how it turns out. In many ways, Willow may be better than Zephyr for this type of therapy. Zephyr excels at the high action physical therapy, but I think Willow might do better with the stroke therapy. We will see. I learned a long time ago that GSDs have to have a job to do to be truly happy. Willow is at the age where she needs a job. And I feel she will do very well. She has a very lively but sweet temperament and a very goofy personality that is sure to bring smiles. Next week, I will take Willow in to drop off her paperwork and get all her security badges so she can start at Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Hospital. The staff asks about her every week!
Cinder X Esko daughter Aug. 2012
August 6, 2013
Hi Cynthia,
Maddie is a special girl Cynthia. She is becoming well known in town! She goes with me everywhere….LOVES to ride in the car. We drive through Arbys as my Mom likes to get sandwiches there. They all LOVE Maddie and ALWAYS give her a package of meat that is more than what you get on a sandwich. They like to watch her eat it. Yesterday when I picked my mom up after work and we drove through Arbys they were all looking for Maddie. They gave me meat to take home for her!!! One by one they came to the window and said, “Where is she?”
The bank, the smoke shop(my Mom smokes) they all give Maddie stuff and have to visit with her. She is SOOOO loaded with personality Cynthia. Still cocks her head from side to side when you talk to her. She jumps up on my bed in the am and burrows under the covers at the foot of the bed to lick my feet in the morning to wake me up….that’s every morning! She has a swimming pool now and loves to dive for toys. She loves the water. I really think she’d be excellent at jumping off a dock or something – catching a frisbee and landing in the water. Have you seen that on TV? Her drive is just so great, she’d do that.
Hope all is well for you and your family.
Robin and Maddie!
Maddie with her young friend Utah
Maddie is a Cinder X Esko daughter born Aug. 2012
July 14, 2013 Cosmo and I are off shortly to puppy class! Speaking of Cosmo…He’s such a sweet boy. Even if he does love chewing on his towel. 🙂
BEAUTY x ESKO son Feb. 2013
July 9, 2012 – TIDMORES RISING STAR NIKKI aka Kimber
She is a keeper for sure!!
July 9, 2013
Hi Cynthia,
I just wanted to check in with you to let you know that Willow is thriving. We had a pool party over the holiday weekend and the dogs behaved perfectly. Very polite, well mannered and fun loving. Everyone was very impressed with both dogs. I have attached a bunch of pictures from the weekend. I am hoping that you can see how much family resemblance there is between Zephyr and Willow. They look so much alike now that it is hard to tell them apart if they are not side by side.
Willow has not gained much weight but I think she is just going to be small, but she is very healthy & active and her temperament is fabulous. Her eyes are more amber than Zephyr’s but her coat color is very similar. Her amber eyes give her a very intense look that does not misrepresent her. She is extremely aggressive with strangers at the gate until she is formally introduced. After that she goes back to being her normal funny, goofy, affectionate self. Really, she is an amazing guard dog. Nothing gets past her and even though she is small, she is impressive when she is in guarding mode. While Zephyr has always been a very serious dog, Willow is just the opposite. She is best described as a goof ball prone to do very funny things to get attention. Like climbing on my lap and pretending to be a lap dog, balancing in a swiveling chair, drinking from a cup….. on and on. Both dogs love getting wet and playing in the hose. Zephyr is great about retrieving balls that have been thrown out of the pool. She politely gets them and then drops them back into the water! Willow is fearless and trusting. She even stepped out onto a floating boogie board in the pool. Then she fell in which she thoroughly enjoyed! Willow is best friends with our cat, Bogey. There is a picture of them. When Bogey is outside, I know where Willow will be. Right with him! All in all, Willow is developing into a great dog. She graduated with highest honors from intermediate obedience school where she performed hand signal commands with impressive precision. On her final exam, she was the only dog in the class that performed a hand signal only Stay, then 50 foot recall with hand signal commands only. She drew applause! Her next hurdle will be her CGC certification that we will do when she turns 1 year old. At that time she will also begin her therapy work. She is fine tuning various therapies now, like speaking on signal, loud and soft, high fives, shakes, bouncing a ball off her nose, etc. Willow is so much more enthusiastic than Zephyr that I think she will be well suited to physical therapy. Willow continues on her pancreatic enzyme therapy along with fish oil in her Royal Canin GSD puppy food. I am in the process of changing her over to Royal Canin GSD adult like Zephyr eats.
I am sending pics in several emails so they go through.
Cinder X Esko daughter (2012) & a Beauty X Cody daughter (2007)
June 30, 2013 TIDMORES RISING STAR LYDIA aka May —-herding Photos by (Rausch Photography.)
BEAUTY x ARTHOS daughter 2012
June 22, 2013-
Rowdy did get his first Q in Grad Open today. Not too bad. Still gotta work on go-outs and articles, otherwise he is looking good.
The attachment is his picture from AKC Rally Obedience Nationals this spring.
Jenn and Rowdy
UCD, RO1 Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, CDX, BN, GN, RE, OA, OAJ,HIC
June 16, 2013 –
My Son was playing frisbee with Honey and Levi today and I snapped a few pictures. As you can see Levi is a fine looking GSD ready to work (play). Hope all is well with you and your pack.
Cinder X Esko son 2012
June 10, 2013
Hi Cynthia!
Wanted to send along some new pictures of our Maddie! She weighed 60 # a week ago when I got her flea medicine. She is doing well, I think giving her the probiotics and Enzymes seems to be firming up the poop!! I’m so happy as we all love her so much! She is sooo beautiful and is such a happy girl! The pictures out in the yard were taken tonight when I was playing “stick” with Mads. She loves to play and has such a high drive for all of her play activities. She is laying down by hand signals now!! And, if you just look at her if she wants some bacon, she’ll just lay down. She is so smart, I’m so very proud of her. So glad to have her in my life Cynthia, what a joy she is. She is like two different dogs though. When she’s out in her yard playing, she’s so intense. But, inside, she is such a lover girl. So sweet and lovable. She is one smart, complex girl very FULL of personality. She still cocks her head from side to side when you talk to her…cute! Her fur is soooo soft and silky still, very beautiful. You did good!
Looks like you have your hands full with new pups! Hope all is well, Robin
Cinder X Esko 2012 |
May 28, 2013
I have to complain about you passing your dogs off as full blooded GSDs. Obviously, Willow is part Lab. 🙂 I can’t keep this dog out of the water!!!! Every afternoon when the temperature goes up, she is in the pool. And it is really hard to run the hose, as she is continually trying to chase the water.
She is doing very well on her enzyme regimen. With all the chaos last week, I didn’t send an update, but this morning, she weighs in at 54.2 pounds. I think she is just going to remain a very small GSD, but since I will not be showing her, it really doesn’t matter how big she is. Still no obvous signs of heat yet…. which seems a little strange for a 9 month old. Could she have a “silent” heat?
Although she is shedding now, her coat has also improved overall. She always had a nice coat, but now she is very shiny and soft with none of the oily/scaley skin issues she had before.
She is doing extremely well in intermediate obedience class and has retained her goofball personality. She makes funny, talking noises and I have trained her to make these noises with a hand signal command. This will be an important skill when she starts therapy work hopefully in August. I am now working on differentiating soft & loud vocalizations.
May 14,2013
Hi Cynthia,
Willow gained 1.3 pounds last week. She now weighs in at 51.3 pounds. She is doing very well. Attached is a photo of her at her initial therapy dog evaluation with the autistic(Asbergers) children. She was sweet and goofy with the kids and they loved her. One little girl actually touched a dog for the first time during this visit. It took a lot of encouragement and Willow seemed to understand that she had to lie perfectly still while the girl reached out to touch her. This was a surprise for me, since Willow usually lifts her nose up to kiss and greet when a hand reaches out. It was as if Willow put her puppy enthusiasm on hold for a few minutes. I am encouraged that she might have that special 6th sense to detect human needs that is so critical for a good therapist.
After a week of hard, 2-a-day work outs, Willow now has hand signals down pat and will heel off lead in my field. I still don’t trust her off lead in other environments yet but she is learning VERY fast. Not bad for a baby!
Still no signs of heat yet. I am holding off with the spay as long as possible in order to maximize her growth potential.
May 8, 2013
I posted about Cosmo playing in the spring up on our land over the weekend. It’s hot this morning, and I decided to drag Cosmo outside with me (he hates the sun) while I watered my herbs. All of our other shepherds have absolutely loved to play in the water hose, so I decided I could kill two birds with one stone and not only water the plants, but wear Cosmo out at the same time if he took to it! And he did… he loved it! Next nice day when Jim is home, I’m going to have to film this, he was hilarious!
And there sits my drowned rat, all tuckered out. Yep, the ear is back down this week. Over the weekend, they were both straight out to the sides, like the flying nun. LOL
The UPS man just dropped off some packages. Cosmo thought Dad was home and raced out to give the driver kisses, and piddle on his shoes!
Beauty X Esko son Feb. 2013
May 7, 2013 –
Hi Cynthia,
It was a very cold & windy day for the Parkinson’s Walk on Saturday, but we all toughed it out. Every dog there was pretty feisty with the cool weather so managing them was a bit more of a challenge. Willow was handled by Terri, the executive director of HALO. Terri has a serious movement disorder & disability called dystonia which makes walking difficult. Willow cooperated very well. Her behavior was actually better than many of the other therapy dogs who were there (including Zephyr who was REALLY pumped up!!!) Most of the walk, Willow was pretty far away from Geoff, Zephyr and I which provided a great test for any separation issues. She did just fine.
Willow’s weight remained unchanged from last week. (50 lbs) I went ahead and weighed her this morning, a day early this week so I could send you the update.
Attached are some photos of the Parkinson’s Walk.
Cinder X Esko daughter Aug. 2012
May 6, 2013
Rowdy and I went to the 4 Corners Herding Association Herding Trial this weekend. Rowdy picked up his second herding instinct test. The judge, Mary Ward, was very impressed with his working ability, but suggested that we do C course work, because he shows tending traits. Unfortunately, that is hard to find in Oklahoma. It would require travel to Colorado for training. She said we might try B course if C course training doesn’t work out.
Rowdy finished all the titles I wanted this spring, now the goal for the end of the year is our UD, AX, and AXJ. After that we will be working towards our UDX and German Shepherd Nationals for next year!
How did Honey and Tank do this weekend?
Jenn and Rowdy
UCD, RO1 Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, CDX, BN, GN, RE, OA, OAJ
April 28, 2013
Yep, that’s what Cosmo has become. He’s one spoiled rotten little puppy! Our upstairs, (where I sew) has always been off-limits to all of our dogs. Never has a paw tread foot in my domain!
Until Cosmo.
Not only is he upstairs with me… ahem! He’s laying on my quilt in progress! What are we going to do about that?
He seems to love his new bed that I ordered from LL Bean. And I must say, it is quite comfortable! It’s nearly big enough for me to lay on it! He’ll grow into it. I made a quick little video of him laying on it with my iPad, (click here) so excuse the image quality.
He was very good yesterday and has been a doll all day today as well. Taking him outside on a leash has really helped!
April 27, 2013
Yep, we’ve either hit the terrible two’s, or the rebellious teens… I’m not sure which it is translated into dog time, but holy cow Cosmo has been a handful this week! His training is coming along very nicely I think, although I’m no expert as Jim normally handles all the training. And he’s great as long as we’re inside, but outside? It’s like he turns into a different dog! In the house, he wants to follow me everywhere. Outside, he’s begun running away and doing his best to escape me, and I know he’s having a blast because he’s quite comical about it… only I’m not laughing!
Do you see attitude written all over that face? Since I’m not quite sure how to handle this behavior, and I was beginning to get upset with him, I started putting a retractable leash on him when we go outside, unless we go into the orchard. Cosmo isn’t much liking that, but I think it will save us both a lot of grief and not give either of us a chance to develop any bad behavior.
Beauty X Esko son Feb. 2013
April 20, 2013
Hi, Cynthia
Bella is doing really good. She did well with her spaying. Shortly after that, I had surgery on my lower back. We were only out of classes for 4 weeks, and working with Bella has actually helped my back, since sitting makes it hurt worse than anything. We’re in advanced off-leash training now, and she does her training well most of the time. 🙂
I’m attaching some photos I took last week. It’s hard to get to her to look at me when I have the camera, and then when she does, by the time the camera clicks, she is looking at something else. I hope you enjoy the pics.
Barbara Burnett
Cinder X Esko daughter 2012
April 16, 2013
Yes! We had him fixed and he is a lot calmer! He goes with me in the truck to take Alex to school, to track meets. He has transferred his affections completely to me, loves us all but me– he is firmly attached to my bumper. He loves going for rides. We rescued a female pointer and he is such a good boy with her. I will send you some pics. I hope all is well with you guys!
He loooves his box. It freaked him out when she went in with him, but he let her. Lol!
Daisy X Bobby son 2008
April 13, 2012 –
Here she is, Ms natural herder. Dave said let her work she is a natural at this. So we stood and let her work.
Beauty X Arthos daughter 2012
April 9, 2013 –
Cynthia, they turned out great! I’m so in love with Cosmo already! He was a perfect gentleman on the trip home, no accidents of any kind. I fed him out of his Kong on the trip, then when we got home he ate well and drank tons, so I knew we weren’t going to sleep much :).
We played until around midnight, and managed to tempt in into his crate on and off for the next few hours (more off than on!). I got back up with him at 4:30 and fed him again, then we romped around in the living room until it got light out. Time to go outside and explore! He’s such a little sweetie and is great about sticking with me.
Cosmo and I took a little nap on the floor around 6:30, he loved that. When Jim wakes up, it’s my turn to pass out! LOL
We really enjoyed meeting both you and Kathy, and Beauty and Esko were wonderful!
Beauty X Esko son Feb. 2013
April 8, 2013 – IMG_7862 Jazz X Arthos son 2012 and friend.
April 4, 2013
Hope all is going well.
Rowdy and I have been busy these past two weekends. Last weekend, we competed in the TDTC Agility Trial. We had 6 runs, qualified in 5, took 4 first place ribbons, and a second place. He completed his Open Standard and Open Jumpers Titles this weekend and has 2 legs of his Excellent Standard Title. Our next agility trial will be in May at the Tulsa Round-Up.
This weekend, we competed at the TDTC Obedience Trial. He took 2 firsts and 2 seconds and finished his Open and Graduate Novice titles. Our next obedience trial will be in June in OKC.
Our obedience work with Wynnette in Dallas has helped a lot. Our last open score was 189, but this weekend we were 195.5 and 196. Dang those crooked fronts and finishes. We get those fixed and we will be rocking.
We also have a herding instinct test coming up to finish his herding instinct certificate.
Jenn Patton and Rowdy
RO1, U-CD Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, BN, CDX, GN, OA, OAJ, RE
April 4, 2013
Wanted to let you know how well Maddie is doing. I am so in Love with her Cynthia. She is a very special girl. She is very bright, so smart and such a wonderful companion. She is definitely puppy still, but wow, what a girl. My Mother, Gary and I are all so in love with her. She is a charmer, so full of personality.
She definitely has the drivability to do some
protection work I think. I’m not sure I’ll do this, but most probably
nose work. She is really something Cynthia. She is a very
exceptional athlete as you can probably tell from the pictures of Frisbee
play. We do limit this because of the jumping. I’m afraid of it
hurting her hips since she’s just a pup yet
She is VERY beautiful, oh my gosh. I’ll try to get some more current pictures. She’s a lean girl….burns off her calories and looks a lot like her mother Cinder. She has a very bright happy look about her. But, people think she looks very protective too, which I like. I think it’s her dark face!
She LOVES water. I think she’ll like to go in the lake in the summer. She pulls me toward puddles on our morning walks these past few rainy days. I set out a fairly large old galvanized trough for her one warm day and she promptly got in it. She kept dropping her balls and sticks in the water to dive for them! She LOVED it! So full of personality.
I’m sure you can tell from my note how in love I am with her Cynthia. She rides in the car with me all the time. She rides well and wants to go along to see Gramma, and of course my Mom gets upset if I don’t have Maddie with me!
Take care and I’ll try to get some photos to you soon,
April 3, 2013
Hi Cynthia,
Just a quick update… Willow graduated from her basic obedience class on Monday. She performs incredibly well. the final “test” was to perform a 50 foot stay then recall. I placed her in a sit/ stay, turned my back on her and walked to the end of the 50′ mark, turned, paused for at least 5 seconds with my hand in the stay position, then hand signaled her to come. She immediately ran up to me, plopped her butt down right in front of me and looked up at me. It was so perfect it brought audible “Wows” from all the other class members and the instructor called her a show off! I was proud. Willow continues to go through phases. She will seem to calm down for a few days, and then for no apparent reason, she will go ballistic and be totally out of control. I have never dealt with anything quite like this. I have been forced to take a much firmer, no tolerance training stance with her than what I would like, but it does seem to be helping a bit. She continues to display classic fear aggression (I don’t know whether she will out grow this), but the group class has greatly reduced her dog aggression. I will continue to work with her and may enroll her in an intermediate class in order to continue her exposure to other dogs.
Cinder X Esko daughter 2012.
March 25, 2013
Levi is doing really well and is obviously a little spoiled. He’s all things you would want in a GSD smart, funny, protective and loves his family, even the cat, well maybe not loves the cat 🙂 Sonya
March 15, 2013
Rowdy has had a week. Sunday was the UKC trial at Companion Dog School of Tulsa. Good job in finishing his RO1 title with a first place and high in rally trial.
Friday was the AKC Inaugural Rally National Obedience Trial. We had qualified for Advanced and Excellent, but I decided to only show in Excellent. Quite an interesting show, but Rowdy did well. We had 2 runs and the scores were combined. Placing a were determined by highest combined scores. Rowdy took 3rd place!!! I’ll send pictures as soon as I can.
Jenn and Rowdy
RO1, U-CD Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, BN, CD, NA, NAJ
March 11, 2013
We love him like crazy! So glad we found you to sell him to us!
March 4, 2013
Rowdy took another first place at the Enid cluster. He is such a good kid.
John Patton
February 18, 2013
Hope all is well. Just wanted to finally send a recent picture of Bill. His
coloring has really come in nicely and he’s beginning to fill out his frame
very well. He’s never been a very hungry dog and it was often tough to get him
to eat enough. But starting about 6 weeks ago, he started eating everything I
could give him. I haven’t weighed him in a while, but I’m guessing he’s
starting to push 85 lbs now, or maybe a little more. He’s still very slim and
athletic though, but he’s starting to look a lot more full than he did even a
few months ago.
Despite all of his socialization as a puppy, he’s just not crazy about other
male dogs. He behaves for the most part, and certainly doesn’t attack. He’s
just always on notice with another male around. That’s not really a problem,
but he’s definitely still the alpha-male you warned me about.
His ears perpetually itch. The vet says it’s fine and normal, but I’m still
watchful. However, anyone that scratches behind his ears will be his friend
He still LOVES people and activity. Everyone he meets when I’m around is
immediately his best friend. But a stranger knocking on the door is another
matter. I’ve never taught him to be protective of the house, but he definitely
gets it. Outside people are the enemy until I look comfortable, and then
they’re his friend.
He’s a wonderful dog a fantastic companion. He’s healthy and happy, and seems
to be just loving life. He’s definitely “my” dog, and I’m very very
proud of him.
Thanks Cynthia. Hope all is well.
February, 17, 2013 –
Good Morning Cynthia!
Maddie graduated!! I’m sending a picture of her graduating class, I’m so proud of her.
She did sooooo good. She can hold a stay for 5 min. now in a sit and down.
I’ve sent some pictures of her catching the object of her desire….her Frisbee!
She is such an athlete.
We are leaving for her morning walk in the park, hope you have a nice Sunday!
Robin and Maddie
Cinder X Esko 2012
February 16, 2013Cynthia don’t you agree we have the absolute best paperboy? He runs back and puts it on my bed then he hops up and waits for me to bring him a treat. He is a joy.Jane![]() ![]() |
February 9, 2013 –
Hi Cynthia,
Willow is growing beautifully! She is almost 40 pounds of pure energy now! She knows all of her commands and many hand signals and performs them quite well for a girl her age. On Monday, she will begin her official training at K9U. She doesn’t really need the class as much as the socialization training it will provide. She is still very ferocious with strangers and strange dogs but we can work on that. Zephyr too was quite ferocious with strange dogs and she still has to be watched closely to keep her from picking a fight. But she is controllable with verbal commands and that is my goal for Willow. I am happy to report that Willow is doing much better with the chickens. She has an incredibly strong prey drive, so her self control is commendable. I was also blessed to have Phylis, the super friendly and fearless little chicken who has never had a problem walking right up under Willow’s nose. This has allowed Willow to thoroughly sniff and nuzzle a live chicken, learn boundaries, and recognize that chickens are our friends and not food! They actually have become friends! We put up a nice, new fence in the coop and I had to spend several days wiring the bottom against predators, so Willow spent a lot of time in the coop with me and the chickens. She has learned to walk slowly when she is in the coop to avoid spooking them. Wow. She is really doing great! I can now leave her alone with them for short periods of time. Once spring comes and they are free ranging again, I need to be sure that Willow will protect them rather than EAT them!!! Willow has become outgoing, friendly and polite when she is on a leash in public places. And like Zephyr, EVERYONE comments on her beauty and wonderfully soft coat.
You know, when I look into Zephyr’s eyes, they are soft and gentle. Not so with Willow. Maybe it is still just the puppy, but there is nothing soft and gentle about Willow yet, even when her outward appearance seems gentle. Best word to describe her eyes? Fierce. I don’t know what her future career will be yet (Personal protection? Search? Agility?) It is still too early to tell, but, happily, Willow is presenting me with interesting and fun challenges and she is proving to be a quick and willing learner. Can you tell I am thoroughly enjoying her training!?!
Cinder X Esko daughter 2012
January 31, 2013 –
We had our first agility class last night. Lydi did so well. After class the instructor said “Kathy – she is really a nice dog!” She did everything so well and was so well behaved. Two Border Collies got into a scuffle which unnerved her but she did not attempt to do anything but sit quietly and watch. She was the youngest dog in class and was the best behaved. The other dogs have been working in classes for a few weeks and we joined the class already in session. She knew just as much as the other dogs and what she did not know she picked in a few tries.
I had done a little bit with her at home – working on stride, playing in the tunnel and on a contact board. Last night she learned how to do wraps around the jump standard in one minute. She also did a small sequence from the pause table, over a little jump, into the tunnel, side change and then back over the jump to the table. I have not done any sequences with her and really did not expect her to figure it out. She did, she knew just what to do. She really tuned in and read my body movement well. I think she will be a wonderful agility dog.
On a different subject she has learned a basic obedience retrieve too, very fast as we just started shaping it a month ago.
She is just too smart and a very good girl. No pictures but I will try to get some soon.
BEAUTY x ARTHOS daughter 2012
(only 10 months old)
January 30, 2013
Hi Cynthia,
Wanted to send you a new picture of Levi. He is a really good puppy in all ways. Levi is doing well in his beginning obedience class and he is also going to doggy day care a day or two a week. His favorite thing above all else though is the tennis ball; he has devised many games to play with us. Very clever.
Happy to see that Esko has sired a new litter of puppies.
Cinder X Esko son 2012
January 28, 2013 –
Love him so much. He’s so smart and such a sweetheart!! If you want to give me your cell # I can see if a text picture will go through
Cinder X Esko son 2012
January 28, 2013
Cynthia we think of you so often. We are so thankful we have our boy. He is so smart he has all of us trained. His favorite outing is still the dog park because he loves to swim in the pond. He caught the eye of the newspaper reporter a while back and a picture of him swimming with a ball he was retreving was in the paper. We get such good comments about how well mannered he is and how sweet he is. I take him to Creekemore Park a lot and all the kids come up and hug him.
I’m finally sending you some pictures of him. The one with Will in it was taken last Easter we actually hide plastic eggs filled with dog treats and he has more fun finding them and he .brings them to us to open. He is such a joy .
He is healthy and hasn’t had any problems with his hips. He does have allergies and the vet told us to give him Benadryl. Do you have any suggestions ?
Please send me your mailing address and I will mail you a copy of the newspaper clipping.
I hope all is well with you and your family and that includes your beautiful dogs.
Bye for now
Beauty X Cody son 2007
January 23, 2013-
January 20, 2013
Hi, Cynthia.
You’ll be happy to hear Bella is doing awesomely. Her training is going well. She’s growing, has huge paws and ears, and is so well behaved. I get so many compliments on her beauty and her behavior when we are out. Matthew is happy with her progress in class, and comments on how pretty she is.
Today was her first walk in the refuge. We climbed around on the rocks, found cactus, saw bison, geese, ducks, and great blue heron. I let her walk knee deep in the lake, and she wanted to go swimming. So, we’ll be doing that when it gets warmer. She had a chance to discover new scents as well as terrain, and she wanted to bring home a big buffalo chip!
She still has her puppy ways, but I’m so pleased with her, and so thankful to have her in my life. My youngest granddaughter Carli, who is 4 yrs old, holds her by the collar and walks her around the house, and when she says Bella, Sit, Bella sits. Carli is a dog girl–she has a big yellow lab and an Australian shepherd. It gives me great satisfaction to see her and Bella get along so well.
So here is a photo of Bella this morning at the refuge.
January 13, 2013-
It was good to see you, Jazz and Tank this weekend. I was glad that you finally got to see the boy. I think the last time you got to see him, he was still a puppy. And what a handsome boy Tank is. He is gonna break hearts when he grows up!!!
Well, consistency was the name of the game at the UKC Obedience and Rally trial at TDTC this weekend. He qualified in all 3 obedience trials with scores of 195.5, 195, and 195.5. He took 2 seconds and a third, and the third was lost on a run-off with a crooked sit. I should have a title for crooked sits!!! He at least did get his U-CD title this weekend!!
He also managed to get 2 legs on his RO1 title. Both scores were 100, but we lost on time. Big dogs just can’t compete with smaller dogs on time. He had no placement in the first trial on Saturday, but did eke out a fourth place (on time) in the second trial.
Next stop is the St. Charles Kennel Club in Lake St. Louis, MO in 2 weeks. Hopefully he will pick up a couple of AKC Open legs!!
Jenn Patton, DVM and Rowdy
Attached is a picture from the trial that a friend of mine took
Beauty X Dryker son 2010
January 9, 2013-
Hi Cynthia – I was just finishing uploading some of our Christmas pics on facebook and thought you would like to see this one of Kenja! She is all grown up and definitely daddy’s girl. She’s still got a lot of that ornery puppy to her and likes to drive the other animals in the house nuts, but we sure do love her. 🙂
Jazz X Arthos daughter 2012
January 7, 2013 – She is really doing well at this. She just turned 9 months and is doing 30 to 45 minute old tracks. Yesterday she ran 2 tracks, each with 2 turns, about 300 yards total. She had some small cover changes from ankle high grass to calf high grass to bare ground. She did really well. She has even ‘earned’ about 10 feet of line. She was working nicely along the track covered with a lot of droppings from trees. Showed me the direction of the turn which was about 5 paces in front of the flag. Working the turn to be sure.
Good girl!