December 27,2012—Tidmores Rising Star Kiowa aka Buck and friends – Titled 3 wise dogs. Buck is a Jazz & Arthos son born March of this year.
December 25, 2012 – Merry Christmas!!
Barbara and Bella
Cinder X Esko 2012
December 18, 2012 –
Hope all is well with you and your pack. Levi is doing very well. He is a beautiful boy and has so much personality.
We are starting our third week of puppy school. He does well with the obedience but is not a fan of “pass the puppy” which is how each class ends. He does not want to leave his Mommy and he is not amused that she holding and petting other puppies. He can be very dramatic when expressing his displeasure. You will remember he is the vocal one in the litter. It’s all good though, for both of us.
We will start beginning obedience class in January. Both of the instructors show or have shown dogs and have years of experience. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and I will send more pictures after the holidays.
Cinder X Esko 2012
December 18, 2012 –
Willow is 16 weeks old. How time flies! She is absolutely perfect. Very, very smart, and very, very good. I can hardly believe how much she can already do at just 16 weeks old. . (“sit, stay, come, lay down, crate, Leave, drop that & wee on command..”. ) More developed than Zephyr was at this age. Hard to believe! Zephyr, Geoff and I are in love with her, for sure! Aggie… not so much! Cats & chickens have accepted her. She watches the chickens closely, but has not chased them after being firmly told not to weeks ago. It helps that one brave little chicken flapped its wings at her and scared her! Ha! .
Cinder X Esko 2012
December 11, 2012 –
Cynthia, thought you might enjoy these pics of Bella at Puppy School….she is doing GREAT. So great I am going to work with her towards being a therapy dog. She will have to be a year old before we know if she is capable, but I am going to work on her training towards that as a goal.
Cinder X Esko 2012
December 6, 2012 – Cynthia, nice to hear from you. The above are links I have posted on Bella on my FaceBook page.
She is doing GREAT. Fitting into the family beautifully. We are in a puppy obedience class and she is doing very well. Tomorrow morning she goes for her final puppy shots and to be micro-chipped. She and Dixie Belle are playing together and as you can see from the pics Bella worships Dixie. I honestly don’t think I could be more pleased with her. She wants to be with us. You can tell she wants to please. You can literately see her thinking trying to figure out what it is we are asking of her sometimes.
Let me know if you can see the pics or not.
Cinder X Esko 2012
December 6, 2012 –
There is one with my son’s dog Abby at the dog park. We met out there tonight and the girls played….so cute! When they send some of their pics I’ll send them on to you. They got a good one of them kissing….cousins!
Gary just called and said he was looking up the history of German Shepherds and found a picture of Ursus Von Batu which said he was a very famous German Shepherd. Gary said he recognized the name in Esko’s blood line and sure enough. Looks like it was Esko’s great grandfather….is that correct? Wow, Maddie has royal blood lines!
I’ve been taking Maddie out every morning for a walk in the park working on Heel. She’s getting it! She can now “lay down”. So, she has sit, shake and lay down!! Smart girl. We’re working on potty and she really hasn’t had any more big accidents. I’m reading her better and take her out A LOT!
Cinder X Esko 2012
December 5, 2012 –
Hi Cynthia,
Things still going great here. Fritz may have calmed down just a bit. He just loves everybody and of course, he and Sophie are inseparable. She barks and whines anytime he is out of her sight. All of these shots were out of my bedroom window and he only noticed me for a couple of them. Notice the holes in the pool covers…. Thank You, Fritz!!
More Later,
John and Robin
Beauty X Arthos son 2012
December 5, 2012 –
Good Morning Cynthia, Hope all is well. I wanted to send you a new picture of Mace. She is getting so big and such a sweet girl. Her protective nature is starting to develop in full force. We’ve noticed now if someone new comes to the house she doesn’t know, she has started placing herself between us and them. Tom is really working with her when it’s ok to approach someone she doesn’t know and when it’s not. This time of year the FEDEX man is a good training tool. 🙂
Have a good day,
Cinder X Esko 2012
December 3, 2012 –
Just a quick update. Rowdy competed at the TDTC Agility trial this past weekend, and did pretty well. We had 6 runs, and he had 4 first place finishes and two NQ’s. He also completed his NA and NAJ titles and has one leg towards each of his OA and OAJ titles. I have some great pics of him that I will forward as soon as I receive them.
Jenn Patton, DVM and Rowdy
Tidmores Rising Star Idaho, GCG, RE, CD, NA, NAJ
Beauty X Dryker son 2010
November 30, 2112 –
Hi Cynthia,
We went to Maddie’s first visit with her doctor today! She got her 3rd round of shots. I’m sending more pictures of Maddie!
Cinder X Esko daughter 2012
November 30, 2012 –
Hi Cynthia,
It sounds like you had a GREAT holiday! Willow did really well on her first road trip to Texas. We drove the truck and carried Willow in her big crate in the back on the way down since it was very warm out. She took that all in stride and settled right down for a nice long snooze in the breezy back! Once we arrived, Willow was exposed to a barrage of new people and animals. She did really well with all but an out of control young boxer who kept trying to jump on her. She snapped at her and showed amazing aggression for so young a pup. And I did not blame her a bit. This dog was totally out of control, tearing around the living room, knocking lamps over, leaping on people, peeing on the floor, the sofa, and other things. If I had bigger teeth, I would have bit the monster myself!!! So, bottom line, Willow acted in a completely appropriate manner. With other, well mannered dogs, Willow did great. Tentative upon first meeting, then rapidly moving to play. She also did well with people, but seemed to avoid the small children. Again, not a bad thing, since the children were almost as wild as the young boxer. But she never showed one little bit of aggression toward even the most rambunctious child. She just made a point of finding me and asking to be rescued!. Willow continues with her twice daily training and play sessions and is incredibly quick. I hate to even admit it, but I think Willow might even surpass Zephyr in intelligence. And Zephyr is smarter than a lot of people I know!!!!!
PS. My vet and the techs all fell in love with Willow!
November 26, 2012-
Good morning Cynthia, hope you had a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time and have been so busy working around the house why the weather is still warm. I’m sending a picture of our Mace. She is doing great! Mace is easily trained and knows the difference between her ball and rubber chicken. I’m not bragging or anything but she is so smart and loving. We just adore her and Tom is head over heels crazy about her. I just wanted to check in with you and I hope all is well.
Have a good day,
Cinder X Esko daughter 2012
November 24, 2012 –
Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We traveled with Levi and Honey to Bartlesville to spend the holiday with family. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go for Levi. My Mother-in-law has Rowdy, an older blind cow dog mix, who is a bit grouchy and it would be Levi’s first time to be in a new home. He did great. He didn’t jump on Rowdy as I expected, but approached him in a respectful friendly manner and was not dissuaded by Rowdy’s grouchy demeanor. He kept trying to make friends and within a couple hours Rowdy was even playing with Levi. Everyone was shocked as Rowdy doesn’t play with any other dogs.
Levi also met and interacted with many new people including several kids. He was the hit of the holiday. He was friendly and playful with all. He did get worn out though, on the ride home he slept the whole way, not a peep.
Levi is really an exceptional little guy. Thank you for all the work and love you put into raising these puppies before they go to their new homes.
This isn’t a confirmation shot. Levi passed out on Thanksgiving day. So cute. He is now all legs, tail and ears.
Tidmores Rising Star Magnum, aka Levi
Cinder X Esko son 2012
November 22, 2012 – No letter just a Gorgeous picture of Tidmores Rising Star Justice, aka JJ
Cinder X Creed daughter 2011
November 17, 2012 –
I took Lydi herding today for the first time. I was not sure how she would act around the stock but she was wonderful! She instinctively knew what to do and how to move the goats. She was very responsive and confident. I think she might have fun with this. It is always nice to see German Shepherds that can herd! She is a natural.
After herding, I went to obedience class but since I was early I decided to lay a track for her too. She did her first 90 degree turns and nailed both of them. I dropped an extra article on one track by mistake and she found it and indicated by laying down on it. What a smart girl!
Later, in obedience class she worked off lead for the first time. She is one of the youngest dogs in class but one of the sharpest.
I guess I will have to forgive her for digging up the tulip garden.
Beauty X Arthos daughter 2012
November 14, 2012 –
Just a quick, pre-holiday update…. Willow is THRIVING. She continues to be a quick study. She now walks politely on a leash which was a problem initially. This is what worked for us… She now has her own crate in the garage which she loves. She spends the nights, from about 10:30 pm to about 7:00 am in it with one potty break (we are now up to just one break at 4:00 am) When it is time to come out of her crate, I put her on a leash and escort her out into the back yard. After a coupe of days of doing this, she now looks forward to her leash! She is also doing quite well with heeling on lead during her twice a day training sessions. She has Sit, Off, Stay and Come figured out. When I give the “come” command, she runs to me and sits in front of me. PERFECT!!! She is still having a little trouble with “Down”. but that will happen with a little more maturity. We go on Friday for her second check-up, shots and weigh-in. then she will be going with us next week to visit our extended family in Texas. Lots of kids, people, and other dogs & cats. Speaking of cats… Willow has developed a friendship with our outside cat, Polly. I caught them lying together in the grass this morning. So cute. Zephyr continues to be the perfect aunt and puppy sitter. I think she is why Willow is learning so fast. Willow demonstrated her protection skills yesterday with our UPS man (whom we really like alot) She ferociously barked at him through the gate until we introduced them. Finally, she wagged her tail and licked his hand. PERFECT AGAIN!
Can you tell we are proud of our little girl?
More after the holiday, including some pics of her first road trip.
November 11, 2012 –
Hi, Cynthia.
Bella is doing great!! We are working on the Heel command this week. She is very good on the leash, but has her times when she doesn’t want to, like when she wants to play, or if we’re walking and dogs are barking at us. But we’ll continue to work on that, and I know she will learn to know when it’s OK to play and when not. She is still just a puppy. Our trainer talks to me quite at length about how to do things, like getting her to trust me, and know that I am the one who is providing her needs. She is already very good at coming to me on command, almost all the time. A little while ago she wanted to come up on my lap, and she put her head on my chest and just looked up at me. She’s really sweet. Crate training is coming along. She goes in willingly, but doesn’t like it when I close the door. We’re on a schedule, so it’s working out OK. I told Matt that we will be continuing on to the next class when this one is over. I’ll go to as many of his classes as I can. I want her to have a job and a purpose. She had her shots this past week and had gained 1.7 pounds. The vet was very impressed because she was so good, and everyone there remarked on how well she was on the leash. They said most all GS puppies are all over the place, and she just walked with me, and didn’t even whimper when she got her shot.
I’ve attached some pictures. The first one was taken last week, and the other 2 today.
Tidmores Rising Star Mellow – aka Bella Cinder X Esko daughter 2012
November 10, 2012 –
Levi is doing very well. He has acclimated to his new home and our schedule. Fortunately my Son is home and has a flexible schedule so he is home often to let Levi out of the kennel and takes him outside to play with he and Honey. Levi will go to his kennel and rest or sleep on his own sometimes. I come home everyday for lunch to see him. Levi is doing very well with potty training. He is starting to whine and go to the door occasionally on his own. His vocabulary is growing quickly and he responds to sit and he is working on plautz (down) with kibble. He and Honey enjoy each evening doing their commands and being rewarded with a few pieces of kibble.
Tidmores Rising Star Magnum aka Levi- Cinder X Esko son 2012
November 8, 2012 –
Hi Cynthia,
I bought a pup from you 9 years ago……long time I know 🙂
He is out of Scarlett’s June ’03 litter. I named him Mick but was Dallas on his papers.
I wanted to let you know he is still a wonderful dog. He is so well mannered, never fails to mind and we love him very very much! Almost 9.5 years old and plays like a puppy, has slowed down some and a little stiff in the mornings but so am I, LOL!
I will attach of photo of Mick taken earlier this year. I also want to thank you for being an upstanding breeder for my wonderful dog.
Carole Rohloff now Gibbons
Scarlet X Dashel son 2003
November 5, 2012 –
Hi Cynthia, just a few pictures of Mace. She is so funny, sweet and we just love her. She still doesn’t like being alone, but she’ll sleep through the night in her own bed. Tom took her to the vet and she checked out and they thought she was a fine looking dog. She has to go back in three weeks for a shot. Has anyone taken Ms. Yellow yet? Now I know why you like pictures and stories. I think of all the pups and wonder how they are doing. I’ll keep in touch and send pictures.
Have a good day,
Tidmores Rising Star Mace -Cinder X Eskodaughter 2012
November 2, 2012 –
Just thought you might like an update. Bella is really doing fantastic. She knows her name, and comes to it. (or maybe just the inflection in the voice). She made it 4 hours each time last night before whining to go out. Responding to “no”. We are really pleased. She is calm, responsive, wants to be with us. As I type this she is laying at my feet chewing on a bully stick.
Thanks so much.
Tidmores Rising Star Misti – aka Bella, Cinder X Esko daughter 2012
November 1, 2012 –
Hi Cynthia,
Willow is doing great! She is a quick study and is learning very quickly. She may even be quicker than Zephyr was at this age. She has already learned to not jump on people and to not chase chickens. I still am not trusting her alone with them, because she still is watching them intently. Here are a few pictures we took.
Cinder X Esko daughter 2012
October 29, 2012 –
Hi Cynthia,
I want to give you a update on Troy. Oct.7,2012 He received his first leg in Rally Advance at the Chaparral Kennel Club in Alamogordo, New Mexico and Oct.27 & 28 we received the last two legs at the El Paso German Shepherd Dog Club in El Paso,Tx. All three legs he placed first and on Sat. he won highest scoring GSD in Rally……Yay!!
We are still working on Utility but I don’t know if “I will be ready for that in Jan.” He is doing really well in it but I’m the one who gets him confused. I have a few months to work on myself so we’ll see. If not I’ll go for Rally Excellence.
Troy is a awesome dog, thank you so much.
Daisy X Bobby son 2008
October 19, 2012 –
Today is our boy’s 8th birthday! He is so happy and already knows today is special …. Cause Mama is so happy!
We thank you so much for this precious gift. He is very, very healthy and happy! Our deepest gratitude to you for making this happiness possible for us.
We love you,
Lillie, Dennis and B Zack
Scarlet X Bobby son 2004
October 14, 2012 –
WOW!!! What a week. This past week at German Shepherd Nationals in Loveland, CO was long, tiring, but exciting, and Rowdy did us all proud!!! We arrived in Loveland late on Saturday night, and got to our cabin, unpacked, got a short night of sleep, and started Sunday with Herding Instinct Testing. We had to travel an hour to the testing site, north of Loveland, just south of the Wyoming border. Like most events, it was hurry up and wait. We did finally get to run late on Sunday afternoon and he enjoyed himself immensely. The judge kept commenting about how smart he was and how quickly he was picking up on everything. Anyway, he got the first leg of his herding instinct certificate.
Monday was our rest day, so we drove to the Rocky Mountain National Park and we got to see mountain goats and lots of elk. We went to a dog park in Estes Park and let everyone run and play and stretch their legs, as it was a long drive and they were kenneled most of Sunday. Everyone had a good time and the dog park and were much better adjusted after that romp.
Rowdy ran agility on Tuesday and Wednesday. The footing was horrible. They had rubber mats down and as they got more dust on them, they became more and more slippery. Most of the dogs competing on Tuesday had also run on Monday, so were used to the footing, but Rowdy was new on it. His first run was in Novice Jumpers with Weaves and we had a few mistakes, due to him slipping, so he only took fourth in that class. After that run, he had the footing figured out, and took first in his next Novice Standard class. On Wednesday, he took first in his jumpers and standard classes, so we got 2 legs on his novice agility titles this week.
Rowdy had Thursday off, as it was Rally day, and I did not have him entered. BB did finish her RAE title this week, so she has only one more Novice Jumpers legs to get, and then she will retire.
On Friday, Rowdy strutted his stuff. Obedience is definitely his strongest class, and he proved it. We entered Novice B again, and we were the first dog in the ring. We were also the first dog of the obedience trial to even run, and he set a high standard for everyone else to beat. We took first in Novice B with a score of 197. Then we had to wait until all the other classes were finished, but Rowdy did it again, winning the High in Trial!!! No other competitor came close to his score. We ended up staying later than we planned on Saturday, because we stayed for the awards presentation and get pictures with the judges in the morning. We got home late on Saturday night.
So in all Rowdy took three first places, a fourth place, got a herding instinct leg, and took High in Trial for obedience!!! There should be pictures of the High in Trial in the German Shepherd Review next year. I will send pictures as soon as I get them.
This morning, Rowdy is up and running again, and doesn’t even act like we spent the last week on the road. We will finish training for open and utility, and still have to work on those crooked sits. I hope to finish his novice agility titles this winter and will start showing open and grad novice next spring. I also hope to start herding training with him this fall.
Jenn Patton, DVM and Rowdy
Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, BN, CD, RE
Beauty x Dryker son 2010
October 11, 2012 – Tidmores Rising Star Kiowa, aka Buck with a friend..![]() Jazz X Arthos son 2012 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
September 23, 2012- She is doing GREAT! we thought she was doing good before we left on vacation but she has been a happier more confident dog since we picked her up at the boarding place. Christian even says “that dog smiles now” and her personality has come out more too. She invites us to play multiple times a day and she can be totally hysterical and OH MY if water is involved she goes NUTS. One of her current favorite tricks to do is go wake each kid up in their rooms after she goes out for her morning potty break. she comes back in and just makes the rounds through the three rooms and for me it is GREAT to have the protection aspect. Since I work at home during the day of we need something done work wise I am normally home alone. Well lets just say several of those men have told me “that dogs bark is enough for me” ha ha ha she does sound mean when she needs to and I truly believe she would do what she needed to do to protect us
So we are still very happy with our WILD CHILD and yes i now know she totally lives up to that name…….she has for sure shown me some of it before we left for vacation but since we got back like I said she is just a happier even more playful fun and confident dog
Thank you for allowing us to have her
Cinder X Creed daughter 2011 “JOY”
August 26, 2012 –
Beauty X Dryker son 2010
August 26, 2012 – Tidmores Rising Star Levi
He is doing great! Went for the first time yesterday to doggie daycare. His last puppy class is next Friday and then I would like to get him his canine good citizenship. He has been missing Shaun cause he went back to college. You can see in the picture below that we got grass in our backyard so that helps with him not eating rocks. Plus it helps that he almost has all of his permanent teeth. Hope all is well with you.
Beauty X Arthos son 2012
August 19, 2012 – Tidmores Rising Star Lydia aka Lydi has had a few puppy tracks but not many as it has been so hot. So she did 2 little tracks and these were the first off the property. She was a little distracted by hubby who was less than 10 feet away but she worked well. Her little track went across the side walk too and she never missed a beat. She ignored the food. Kathy
Beauty X Arthos daughter 2012
July 25, 2012 –
Cynthia –
Here are some pictures I took of Fritz last Christmas. He is quite a boy!
Fritz is 11 1/2 years now and is showing his age – coloring is fading and eyesight not as sharp, and he’s slowed down quite a bit. But otherwise, he seems to be doing pretty well. I found one of his puppy pictures the other day and it’s hard to think he’s gotten old.
Trooper is 9 years and he is doing great. He loves his kitty friends and they play and snooze together. I’ve attached some pictures of Trooper (& friends!) for you.
<Trooper is a Scarlet X Dashel son 2003
Fritz is a Scarlet X Rhett son 2001>
(Wonderful owners Dena & Bill Cheyenne Wyoming)
June 1, 2012 –
May 25, 2012 –
I’m very sorry it’s been so long since I’ve checked in. Bill is alive and well and I still absolutely love him. So Bill finally has a nice, big backyard in addition to all sorts of people around at all times. It’s certainly been frustrating at times having people love all over Bill and allowing him to break the rules, but I know he’s enjoyed the activity and action. He’s still very much my dog, though. He follows me and even if he’s busy in another room, he’ll come make sure I’m still there every two minutes or so, an then he goes back to doing what he was doing. Thanks Cynthia. As I write this, Bill is working on a giant $30 bone I bought him and I could not be happier with him. He’s incredibly majestic and the most loving, fun dog I could ever imagine.
Cinder X Creed son 2011
May 22, 2012 –
Hi Cynthia,
Here are 3 more pics I snapped of Roman today; on the way to the dog park, after the dog park, and then again after his bath. By the way, I had a lady pull over and talk to me a few days ago about Roman while I was walking him. She expressed interest in where I got him from and I of course referred her to you!
Joy is a wonderful dog! The other day we were walking to the bus stop and a guy comes walking through with two huge lab mixes and one of them started barking at joy and trying to get away from his owner to get to joy. Joy looked over several times but stayed at my side heeling as if there was nothing going on I was soooooo proud of her.
Christian has had a lot of late nites lately trying to get project finished that has a deadline. Normally when he isnt home when i go to bed I can’t sleep until I hear him get home but knowing joy is here and she would protect me has allowed me to fall right asleep.
She is so funny she follows me to each kids soon at night to put them to bed. The boys like me to read to them well joy has decided she likes to be read to as well and she jumps on the bed and lays across us! It is to funny going to have to get Christian to take a pic of it one of these days
Thank you for my girl
May 12, 2012 –
April 24, 2012 –
I thought you might want to show these of our beautiful JJ. She is just awesome!!! Hope all is well with you guys.
Tim and Bevin.
Cinder X Creed daughter 2011
April 16, 2012 –
SIRE of:UCD Tidmores Rising Star Beauty, RA, CD –
10 + years old.
Cinder X Creed son 2011
February 26, 2012 –
Hey Cynthia,
Its Daniel and Ashley Gotschall from DeRidder, LA. My wife is actually up in Washington State now and I am currently deployed to Afghanistan. I was just thinking about you and your family and hope everyone is doing great. I just wanted to include some pictures of Logan as of recently. I don’t have any pictures of Jack, he was given to a family member of Ashleys and now lives in Alabama…just enjoying the south! But here is Logan and I hope all is well.
Beauty X ET son 2008
February 19, 2012 –
February 5, 2012 – Tidmores Rising Star Jordan, aka Koda – The owner didn’t send this to me personally, I saw it on face book about him and had to share!!! 🙂 This dog is too smart for his own good. Koda can open doors, open gates, and can now turn the latch mechanism from the inside of his crate and open the door to that, too!!
Cinder X Creed son 2011
January 17, 2012 – Tidmores Rising Star Gaspar RN,CDX aka Troy