December 25, 2009 –
Hi Cynthia –
Hope your holidays are filled with family and friends and hope everything is well with you!
The dogs were looking at Santa
<grin> !
Renno is doing great. What a joy he is! So smart, outgoing and happy! Thanks to you!
December 8, 2009 Spike is doing great! We love him and I think he loves us. He lives inside with us which is working out well. He is very well behaved and super smart. I sent some pictures to your cell phone. He is growing like a weed. Everyday it seems like he grow a little. We have 80 acres behind our house and Emma and I take him on nature walks which he loves. He loves to explore. He is a wonderful companion. We take him to family events and public situations as much as possible, and he loves it. Just this weekend he went to Atwoods with me and walked through the store. Everyone commented and loved him. He did well and seemed to enjoy it. No matter where I stand, at the sink, the stove, a cash register, it doesn’t matter he is there laying on my feet until I move. I love him! Thanks for everything. Keep in touch.
December 6, 2009
Hi Cynthia,
I have wonderful news. Troy received qualifying scores on Sat. with an 88 & Sun. 95 for Rally novice A and are you ready for this—-first place both days too! On Sat. he sniffed the floor pretty much the whole way but all the other dogs did the same. Today he was amazing. In January there is another trial so maybe we will get our 3rd leg.
I have some wonderful people helping me train, Sharon Jolly, Melissa Thomas, Liz Widmer and Dana Wray. Dana has been awesome!
Have a Happy Holiday and I’ll keep you posted.
November 14, 2009
Hello Cynthia,
It’s been a while since I’ve updated you on Roman, born January 7, 2007, from the Dryker and Terra litter. Roman will be 3 soon and has settled into his adult personality nicely. He’s a large boy, at 100#, and looks just like his dad. He also looks exactly like a larger version of his puppy pic you had posted on your site when I first fell in love with him.
He’s 100% what a well-bred GSD should be. He’s loving and affectionate to family, yet aloof to strangers in public. At home he’s fiercely loyal. No one dare come into his space unwelcome. At the dog park he’s the most well-behaved out of all the other dogs. He’s rarely challenged and therefore extremely confident.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know how very much I love him. I’ll definitely buy another dog from you sometime in the future. Keep directing prospective new puppy owners to my email for personal referrals. If anyone lives in the Dallas area I’d also be happy to show them Roman in person.
Take good care,
Julie Schott
Frisco, TX
October 29, 2009
Hi Cynthia!
I hope all is well with you. It is hard to believe that is has already been two years! Zephyr is doing beautifully. She continues to work in contract drug detection, but her first love is being involved in Animal Assisted Therapy at the Oklahoma City DHS Children’s Shelter and at several schools. This is so much more than just being a friendly dog. She works through specific protocols under the direction of a licensed therapist that help children with disabilities learn basic social skills, like boundary control, impulsive-compulsive behaviors, dealing with abandonment, etc. She excels at this work. She is very tuned in to what a child needs, but is intelligent enough to make the exercises challenging for the children. It is so wonderful to watch the progress these children make through this training. Because of the sensitive nature of her work, we are not allowed to photograph the children while in therapy. But attached is a photo of a community event we attended in July. The therapy organization we belong to called H.A.L.O., Human Animal Link of Oklahoma. A truly great organization I highly recommend. I will send their website along with the photos later. The other picture is just of the two of us in our back yard.
Cynthia, this dog is everything I had hoped she would be and so much more. She is absolutely beautiful, very protective, but smart about how she does it, and so gentle with children. Unlike my previous shepherd that I dearly loved, Zephyr’s health has been excellent. You do fantastic work! Don’t stop!
I will send some additional photos later.
Lt Col Carol Collins

October 15, 2009
I have attached a picture of Duke from last night. He finally passed the novice obedience class. The first time he tested we had some problems with his sit stay and down stay. He was distracted by another dog and they tested on a stormy night. We didn’t mind taking the class over since the most important thing to us is getting him out and around different people and other dogs. He is still a little shy around new people but getting better all the time. Duke will begin his new classes next week. I wondered if you still have any females available from your current litter. We may also be interested in Daisy’s next litter. At some point we would like to have another female. We’re just not sure of the timing.
Thank you very much,
Daisy X Bobby son 2008
September 25, 2009
hi cynthia,
im so sorry i didnt get you these pictues on sept 18th . i have been so busy. how have you been? i saw the new babies they are all so cute!!! I i cant belave it has been a year already where did the time go. With faith i celabrate 2 birthdays the day she was born and on nov 15th the day i got her. i know im crazy haha. I just wanted to let you know she is doing great she knows all her hand singles that i gave her like sit and stay and come, wait.She is so smart and loveable .still haveing a problem with chewing up plastic i dont know why but she likes to chew my daughters swing set seats and slide any ideas on how i can stop that? im also working hard on her not jumping up or mouthing me when i try to pet her.all in all things are going great and i wish you luck on these next puppies anyone that gets those puppies will be very blessed and happy i know im with faith!!
take care,
August 5, 2009
I have just got to tell you what Saphira did yesterday. We had just come home from Randy’s Mom’s house. I walked into the kitchen, stopped and put my purse on the kitchen table. Saphira was standing right next to me and all of a sudden she jumped on top of the table! All four feet at once from a standing position….next thing I know she is looking at me right in the face! Needless to say it was a kodak moment. None of my others has ever done anything like that! I guess I need to put her in agility 🙂
It still makes me laugh!
August 1, 2009
Hi Cynthia,
Hope you are doing well. All is good here in El Paso. Troy is such a wonderful dog! We are going to obedience and agility classes, he is doing well in both but we like agility the best. When the weather starts to cool down we will begin tracking with Sharon. I’m pretty excited about that.
Take care,

July 17, 2009
Hi Cynthia!
It’s been awhile since I gave you an update on Zephyr. She has worked her way into an impressive career as an independent narcotics dog with several finds to her credit. It is a very good feeling to facilitate a parent’s peace of mind and allow a good parent to intervene when necessary. She completed her advanced off-lead training through Angel Soriano’s K9 University here in OKC. We certified Zephyr as a therapy dog about six months ago. Since then she has been involved in Animal Assisted Therapy at the Oklahoma Department of Human Services juvenile shelter. Here, she works through specific, targeted exercises with some kids who have seen all the bad the world has to offer. Zephyr shows them another way to live, through honesty, trust, discipline and affection. She absolutely comes alive around these children and seems to instinctively know what they need. The program uses specific training protocols to teach kids appropriate behaviors in specific situations. Many kids will tune out a human teacher, but a dog becomes the human/animal link to get a message across.
Just for fun, Zephyr and I marched in Edmond’s big 4th of July parade with K9U. We had a great time and Zephyr was really in her element greeting all the folks along the route. Zephyr is beautiful. If you looked at the photo of her daddy, you would not be able to tell them apart. She has maintained her rich, dark coloring. And her personality is amazing. Just because she is a therapy dog, does not mean she lacks protective instincts. She is also an intimidating watch dog with very appropriate reactions. You did an outstanding job with this breeding!!!
I noticed that you have Beauty bred again. Any word yet of whether she is pregnant? I have several people here who have expressed an interest in a puppy with Zephyr’s genetic background.
Best wishes for a happy summer!
June 19, 2009 new picture of “Tidmores Rising Star Fuego” aka Sooner Beck
June 9,2009 new pictures of “Tidmores Rising Star Gustavo” aka Hoss
He’s making a fine looking dog and has attached well to the whole family and has really attached to me. I’m hoping I can continue with his training and would love to be able to take him thru Shutzand training when he’s old enough He gets a lot of compliments especially from the guy who trained him. Thanks again for letting me purchase Hoss I really enjoy having him. Thanks again Jimmie

Daisy X Bobby son 2008
June 4, 2009 – “Tidmores Rising Star Faith” 8 months old.
hi cynthia
sorry it has been a while have been so busy here. i wanted to send you a 8th picure of faith she is doing great she still loves to chew any thing and everything when she is outside i got her a big plastic tub she loves it and so far so good she has left bikes and things alone haha.

Beauty X ET daughter 2008
June 3, 2009 – new pictures of “Tidmores Rising Star Abbie” aka (Roxy):
Terra X Dryker daughter 2007
May 24, 2009
I’m sorry to take so long responding to you about how Duke is doing. I wanted to wait so we would have some good news to share with you. As of Wednesday, Duke has completed the beginning obedience class with the OCOTC at the National Guard Armory in OKC. He begins the novice class this coming Wednesday. Everyone loves him! He really turns heads since he is so beautiful and well behaved.
Daisy X Bobby son 2008
April 12, 2009 – new pictures of “Tidmores Rising Star Caleb” aka Gunther:
Beauty X Cody son 2007
April 6, 2009
Cynthia: just wanted to email and let you know that Boone is doing great. He is doing a great job at guarding the house, rounding up the cows, and chasing the soccer ball. Sorry for not sending any pictures sooner.Ryan and Ashley Powell

Beauty X Cody son 2007
January 14, 2009