Sorry it has taken so long to send out current pictures. Zack is the perfect companion and the smartest GSD we could ever ask for. He got 2nd place in Novice and only missed 1st by a half point. He is a great watch dog and is very social as well. Thank you for breeding such a wonderful GSD.
Dennis, Lillie and B Zack
B Zack is from my Scarlet X Bobby breeding born October 19, 2004
I have a new cell phone with a camera option. The pictures are not that good but at least I can get a quick snap every once and a while.
This pix was taken on June 25th in El Paso during a break in the training session. Sissy, Kim with Bruno, and Bo. What a group! Live wires all !!!
_________________________________<These 3 dogs are from 3 different breedings of Tidmores Rising Star Kennels. The left is Sissy, she is a Rhett X Scarlet daughter born in 2002. In the middle is Zorro (aka- Bruno) he is out of my Terra X Zano 2005 litter. Far right is Bo, he is from my Bobby X Scarlet litter ,2004. Their owners are awesome, and we are always thankful when our babies find homes like theirs!!!
Dennis brought B Zack to the Main Plaza where I work! He is five months and two days old. We were on the marble floor in front by the tellers. There were Managers, Bank Officers as well as several clerical personnel. Dennis put B Zack through his commands of heel, down, sit and stay. B Zack was absolutely perfect! He had never been to the bank, these people were all strangers — he never once barked, snipped or did anything other than stay by Dennis’s side. Then he allowed everyone to come and pet him. This dog was awesome! We were so proud.B Zack rode in the elevators — showed no sign of fear — his ears were up, tongue hanging out, smiling. He did sit and look up at Dennis — as if saying, “What the heck is this?”Formal schooling starts tonight! We know he will put on a SHOW and be an “example” the Instructor refers to!Thank you again for this wonderful companion!Lillie, Dennis and B Zack
Zack gets his CGC at only 7 months old!!!!
B Zack is from my Scarlet x Bobby 2004 breeding. His owners Dennis and Lillie are truly AWESOME!!! They are why Zack is so Good!!______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hi,
All I’ve got to say is “Bo” (Tidmores Rising Star Bobby) is one awesome puppy. He is growing very fast, has one wonderful puppy disposition, and shows very high intelligence. He is presently enrolled in puppy play school, and puppy manners class. He is cautious but outgoing. Likes to view the situation (stays back for a few moments) then joins the activities with 110% energy. I’ve had GSDs before but never one with the disposition that Bo has. He is a wonderful puppy and I hope he will make his pappa proud!.
Ray Von Husen
Scarlet X Bobby son 2004
Hello Cynthia,
Thank-you so much for your e-mail. Congratulations on the titles you have achieved with Scarlet.
As you can see Liesel is a real beauty. She is large-bodied, weighing in at 40 pounds on her 4th month birthday. She is very intelligent having learned how to open both the front door and the pantry door….so she can help herself to a treat. And yes, she has learned where the “potty place” is located and does her business there…..well at least most of the time, if she doesn’t make it there she at least crosses the driveway on the way to the potty place and never goes around the house. In some of the attached pictures you can see that she has the deep red color that you prefer in your dogs. We think it’s attractive as well. She has a good disposition and loves affection from all of us.
Look forward to hearing from you again.
Mike & Cheryl
Scarlet X Bobby Daughter 2004
Hi Cynthia —
We have another tracking dog!! Shawnee passed her tracking dog test today, in a record time of 5 minutes for a 460 yard track! When I get the pictures I will send them to you. Now it is on to TDX. Next March!!
I hope all is going good with you. I love checking out your website and seeing all the puppies! Lucky for me you live in OK now! I would really have a house full of spoiled shepherds.
Sharon has purchased 2 puppies from me her oldest is now 6 years young. A half brother to my Scarlet. Shawnee is a Scarlet & Rhett daughter from the 2002 litter. She also put a tracking dog title on her 6 year old.. She is an awesome owner!!!
Hello, I hope that this email finds you and your family in the best of health. I am writing you this email just to let you know how great Duke has done. I have increased his “prey” drive tremendously, as he shows a great desire for his toy and retrieves extremely well. His obedience is good but it could be much better considering his smarts, I just don’t work on it too much. I feel that if I was to train him on an odor, (ie. marijuana) he would have no trouble in finding it. I still have not decided if I will attempt to train him in illegal narcotics detection or not, but I will keep you posted. Everyone who sees him immediately falls in love with him, after they get over the initial scare factor.
Very Respectfully
Peter Jaquez

Duke is from my 2002 litter with Scarlet X Rhett. We appreciate his owner very much, who is a Border Patrol person near El Paso Texas. We need to always Thank our men and women in uniform who help to keep us safe. We hope to encourage him to get Duke certified!! You can do it Peter!! (smile)
Cynthia, I hope all is well with the Tidmore Clan.
Just a short note to let you know that we received our third leg for our CD with a first. That makes 3 blue ribbons. Just to let you know the real story…She blew her “stand for exam” but we had a extremely open minded judge…
I guess that we all get a break once in a while.
We’ll see what we can do in “open”, keep your fingers crossed.
Oh, we’ve seen Ray’s pup Bo…what a great looking pup!!! Of course we would expect no less from a Tidmore breeding!! Talk to you again soon.
Take Care—

Sissy is another Scarlet & Rhett daughter from the 2002 litter. We’re VERY proud of their accomplishments!!