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May 1, 2016-From Rowdy’s owner  Dr.Jennifer Patton

I have been blessed to have this phenomenal dog on my life. He does everything I ask without question, though sometimes with that classic German Shepherd look of “Are you serious!?!” Today, thanks to a last minute judging change and pending AKC approval, Rowdy earned his PT title today, making him UKC Ch, UCDx, URO2 Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, RE, BN, GN, GO, VER, UD, OA, OAJ, CA, PT and making him eligible for the GSDCA PAM!!

Title making him elagable for his PAM 5-1-16


May 22, 2014— UKC- CH,CDX Tidmores Rising Star Idaho,CGC, BN, CDX, UD, GO, RE, OA, OAJ, HIC , aka Rowdy

Rowdy UCK Championship picture

Not sure I told you, but went to Topeka finished GO title and first UDX led. Try at leg #2 this weekend at Tulsa Roundup.


Have a good holiday weekend.



May 11, 2014

Rowdy wanted to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day and let you know he finished his graduate open title and got his first UDX leg in Topeka today.



April 5, 2014

Rowdy finishes up his UD title with AKC!!!

January, 12, 2014

Rowdy finishes up his UCDX title!!

December 15, 2013

Rowdy and I made a whirlwind trip to Marshall, TX, to show in the UKC Super Show.  We were only able to show n Sunday, due to work, but it was worth the trip.  There were 2 trials on Sunday, and we competed in Open, Rally, and Conformation in each trial.  We took first in open in each trial, first in rally in the first trial and second in the second trial (score of 100, but beat on time).  And Group 1 in the first trial and Reserve Best in Show in trial 2.   A good ending to the 2013 show season.  Now looking forward to 2014.

Rowdy-Marshall texas UKC Reserve best in show

 UCD, RO1 Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, BN, CDX, GN, RE, OA, OAJ, HIC aka Rowdy

Rowdy & Jenn september 2013


Link below is to the performance of Rowdy going High In Trial at the 2012 GSD Nationals.

UCD, RO1 Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, CDX, BN, GN, RE, OA, OAJ,HIC

2013 Rally Nationals


June 22, 2013-

Rowdy did get his first Q in Grad Open today.  Not too bad.  Still gotta work on go-outs and articles, otherwise he is looking good.

The attachment is his picture from AKC Rally Obedience Nationals this spring.

Jenn and Rowdy


May 6, 2013

Rowdy and I went to the 4 Corners Herding Association Herding Trial this weekend.  Rowdy picked up his second herding instinct test.  The judge, Mary Ward, was very impressed with his working ability, but suggested that we do C course work, because he shows tending traits.  Unfortunately, that is hard to find in Oklahoma. It would require travel to Colorado for training. She said we might try B course if C course training doesn’t work out.

Rowdy finished all the titles I wanted this spring, now the goal for the end of the year is our UD, AX, and AXJ.  After that we will be working towards our UDX and German Shepherd Nationals for next year!

How did Honey and Tank do this weekend?

Jenn and Rowdy

UCD, RO1 Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, CDX, BN, GN, RE, OA, OAJ 


April 4, 2013

Hope all is going well.

Rowdy and I have been busy these past two weekends.  Last weekend, we competed in the TDTC Agility Trial.  We had 6 runs, qualified in 5, took 4 first place ribbons, and a second place.  He completed his Open Standard and Open Jumpers Titles this weekend and has 2 legs of his Excellent Standard Title.  Our next agility trial will be in May at the Tulsa Round-Up.

This weekend, we competed at the TDTC Obedience Trial.  He took 2 firsts and 2 seconds and finished his Open and Graduate Novice titles.  Our next obedience trial will be in June in OKC.

Our obedience work with Wynnette in Dallas has helped a lot. Our last open score was 189, but this weekend we were 195.5 and 196.  Dang those crooked fronts and finishes. We get those fixed and we will be rocking.

We also have a herding instinct test coming up to finish his herding instinct certificate.

Jenn Patton and Rowdy

 RO1, U-CD Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, BN, CDX, GN, OA, OAJ, RE


March 15, 2013

Rowdy has had a week.  Sunday was the UKC trial at Companion Dog School of Tulsa.  Good job in finishing his RO1 title with a first place and high in rally trial.

Friday was the AKC Inaugural Rally National Obedience Trial.  We had qualified for Advanced and Excellent, but I decided to only show in Excellent.  Quite an interesting show, but Rowdy did well.  We had 2 runs and the scores were combined.  Placing a were determined by highest combined scores.  Rowdy took 3rd place!!!  I’ll send pictures as soon as I can.

Jenn and Rowdy


RO1, U-CD Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, BN, CD, NA, NAJ


March 4, 2013

Rowdy took another first place at the Enid cluster.   He is such a good kid.

John Patton



January 13, 2013-   

It was good to see you, Jazz and Tank this  weekend.  I was glad that you finally got to see the boy.  I      think the last time you got to see him, he was still a puppy.  And  what a handsome boy Tank is.  He is gonna break hearts when he grows up!!!                    

Well, consistency was the name of the game at the UKC Obedience and Rally trial at TDTC this weekend.  He qualified in  all 3 obedience trials with scores of 195.5, 195, and 195.5.  He took  2 seconds and a third, and the third was lost on a run-off with a crooked  sit.  I should have a title for crooked sits!!!  He at least did get his U-CD title this weekend!!                    

He also managed to get 2 legs on his RO1 title.   Both scores were 100, but we lost on time.  Big dogs just can’t  compete with smaller dogs on time.  He had no placement in the  first trial on Saturday, but did eke out a fourth place (on time) in the second trial.                    

Next stop is the St. Charles Kennel Club in Lake  St. Louis, MO in 2 weeks.  Hopefully he will pick up a couple of AKC Open legs!!                    

Jenn Patton, DVM and Rowdy             

Attached is a picture from the trial that a friend  of mine took

1-13-13 Rowdy UKC Obed.

Beauty X Dryker son 2010

December 3, 2012 –

Just a quick update.  Rowdy competed at the  TDTC Agility trial this past weekend, and did pretty well.  We had 6  runs, and he had 4 first place finishes and two NQ’s.  He also  completed his NA and NAJ titles and has one leg towards each of his OA and  OAJ titles.  I have some great pics of him that I will forward as      soon as I receive them.                    

Jenn Patton, DVM and Rowdy             

Tidmores Rising Star Idaho, GCG,  RE, CD, NA, NAJ

12-03-12 Rowdy agility


12-04-12 Rowdy jump

Beauty X Dryker son 2010

October 14, 2012 –  

WOW!!!  What a week.  This past week at  German Shepherd Nationals in Loveland, CO was long, tiring, but exciting,  and Rowdy did us all proud!!!  We arrived in Loveland late on Saturday night, and got to our cabin, unpacked, got a short night of sleep, and started Sunday with Herding Instinct Testing.  We had to  travel an hour to the testing site, north of Loveland, just south of the Wyoming border.  Like most events, it was hurry up and wait.  We did finally get to run late on Sunday afternoon and he enjoyed himself  immensely.  The judge kept commenting about how smart he was and how  quickly he was picking up on everything.  Anyway, he got the first  leg of his herding instinct certificate.                    

Monday was our rest day, so we drove to the Rocky  Mountain National Park and we got to see mountain goats and lots of elk.   We went to a dog park in Estes Park and let everyone run and play and stretch their legs, as it was a long drive and they were kenneled most of Sunday.  Everyone had a good time and the dog park and were much better adjusted after that romp.                    

Rowdy ran agility on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The footing was horrible.  They had rubber mats down and as they got more dust on them, they became more and more slippery.  Most of the  dogs competing on Tuesday had also run on Monday, so were used to the  footing, but Rowdy was new on it.  His first run was in Novice Jumpers with Weaves and we had a few mistakes, due to him slipping, so he  only took fourth in that class.  After that run, he had the footing  figured out, and took first in his next Novice Standard class.  On  Wednesday, he took first in his jumpers and standard classes, so we got 2  legs on his novice agility titles this week.                    

Rowdy had Thursday off, as it was Rally day, and I  did not have him entered.  BB did finish her RAE title this week, so  she has only one more Novice Jumpers legs to get, and then she will  retire.                    

On Friday, Rowdy strutted his stuff.   Obedience is definitely his strongest class, and he proved it.  We      entered Novice B again, and we were the first dog in the ring.  We  were also the first dog of the obedience trial to even run, and he  set a high standard for everyone else to beat.  We took first in  Novice B with a score of 197.  Then we had to wait until all the other classes were finished, but Rowdy did it again, winning the High in Trial!!!  No other competitor came close to his score.  We ended  up staying later than we planned on Saturday, because we stayed for  the awards presentation and get pictures with the judges in the morning.   We got home late on Saturday night.                    

So in all Rowdy took three first places, a fourth place, got a herding instinct leg, and took High in Trial for obedience!!!       There should be pictures of the High in Trial in the German Shepherd Review next year.  I will send pictures as soon as I get them.             

This morning, Rowdy is up and running again, and  doesn’t even act like we spent the last week on the road. We will finish training for open and utility, and still have to work on those crooked  sits. I hope to finish his novice agility titles this winter and will start showing open and grad novice next spring. I also hope to start herding training with him this fall.             

Jenn Patton, DVM and Rowdy             

Tidmores Rising Star Idaho CGC, BN, CD, RE             

Beauty x Dryker son 2010  

     10-14-12 Rowdy Nationals CO (2)

10-14-12 Rowdy Nationals CO  

August 26, 2012 –       

Rowdy went along with BB and I to the Capital City Circuit dog show   in Topeka, KS this past weekend, and he finished his CD.  And to  boot, he finished with quite a showing, two first places and a third  place.  The third place was my fault, because we both were tired by  the third day and I was not cuing him properly.  But, the best part  of all, even better than finishing his CD so quickly and so well, was  that he took HIGH IN TRIAL on Saturday, with a score of 198.5, beating over 80 other entries!!!!     I couldn’t be prouder of him.  Everyone was quite impressed and a  lot of people were asking where he came from and his breeding, so I made sure to hand out your cards.  The judge on Friday, Mr. David  Maurer, used to show German Shepherds and has put several OTCH’s on GSDs, and was effusive in his praise for Rowdy.  Now, if we can get  our sits straightened, who knows how well he could do.  I had  pictures taken at the show and will send you a copy when they come.
Next stop…German Shepherd Nationals in Loveland, CO in October.
Jenn Patton with Rowdy
(Tidmores Rising Star Idaho),BN,CD,RE
8-26-12 Rowdy Topeka KS

Beauty X Dryker son 2010

June 1, 2012 – 

I haven’t written to you in a while, so thought I would share this with you.  Rowdy has been on the back burner while I finish UDs on Dilbert and BB.  This past weekend, at the Tulsa Cluster, Dilly got  his UD and BB got her GO, but I thought that while I was there, I would bring out Rowdy on the last day and run him in Rally and hopefully get his RA.  Well, for a dog that really hasn’t been worked since  German Shepherd Nationals last October, I think he looks pretty good, if  I do say so myself.  He took first place with a 98.  A friend of mine took this picture of him, and I thought you would like it.
6-01-12 Rowdy & Jenn heeling
Beauty X Dryker son 2010

October 26, 2011 –  Tidmores Rising Star Idaho BN, RN aka Rowdy

Here is a pic of Jenn with Rowdy. He took fourth  place (99/100) at the German Shepherd Nationals in Topeka, in September.

10-26-11 Rowdy @ nationals


August 29, 2011 –   


Just to give you a quick update. Rowdy is now  Tidmores Rising Star Idaho RN, BN. He received two titles this weekend in our last outing prior to nationals. He finished his RN with 2 firsts and a third  (my fault) and his BN with 2 firsts and a second. His last run was 198.5. Hopefully that is insight to how he will do in the future. We need to work on left turns and fronts for the next couple of weeks, so hopefully we can get that polished up for nationals. Otherwise, his heeling looks great. He was a hit in Topeka. Everyone was impressed with how cool he was in the new surroundings.  It was all fun and games for him.  They also love his strong color and male      head. A lady, I would guess in her 80s was there, and she had shown GSD for decades. She was so impressed, she wanted to know why I didn’t have him in the conformation ring. When I explained that he wasn’t severe enough in his rear angulations, she said he should be in the ring to show the judges what a real GSD looks like, not the mess the breed currently looks like. She loves his movement, bone structure and head. In general, he has made a big impression everywhere he has gone. He hasn’t  met a stranger, even with strange kids running up to him and hugging and petting on him. And, I got the OFA prelim back. Good hips and normal elbows.

Next step is Nationals. Wish us luck.

Jenn and Rowdy


Beauty X Dryker son 2010